About Harbord Street
The Harbord Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) was established in 1983. Each of our sixty-odd businesses enjoys membership, from Borden Street in the west to Cora Pizza north of Harbord on Spadina Avenue.
“Something for everyone” characterizes this pleasant four-floor block haven south of The Annex and due west of the University of Toronto’s St. George Campus.
Come for a sociable stroll and discover a rich mix of food offerings, from sandwiches, subs, pizza, Thai and Chinese fare, and treat your gourmet self to tony dining establishments of the highest calibre.
Shops and services include the long-standing eponymous bakery; music, art, craft and design shops; specialist bookstores; hair and skin care, yoga and health care, dentistry; groceries, laundry, realty, auto service, skills training, and more.
We rub shoulders with the Harbord Village Residents’ Association, whose neighbourhood the street bisects. The highlight of our shared interests: we bring you The Great Harbord St. Pumpkin Festival. This spectacle has been held the night after Hallowe’en since 2008.
You’ll get here easily. The TTC runs the 94 Wellesley buses along the length of Harbord; the 510 Spadina LRT from Spadina Station makes its second stop at Harbord; the 511 Bathurst streetcar from Bathurst Station also stops just west of us. There is street parking, and there are some Green P parking locations nearby (292 Brunswick Av, 4 Spadina Rd, and 365 Lippincott being the closest).
The Harbord St. bike lanes connect with the Wellesley, St. George, and Shaw St. lanes.
Nearby things to do the same day: we’re a short walk (1km) from the ROM: either head south to Queen’s Park and west along Hoskin, which becomes Harbord west of St. George, or go west along Bloor and go left at Spadina, two blocks south. From Chinatown and Kensington Market, head north, away from the CN Tower.